class documentation

Content container for a report like document independent from its output format.

Such a report can have text paragraphs, headings, tables ( pandas.DataFrame), images and figures.

Class Control An element controlling page breaks, orientation and insertion of auto generated reference lists like table of contents.
Class Heading Content element representing a heading element.
Class Image An image content element.
Class Paragraph Content element representing a text paragraph.
Class References Reference list, e.g. TOC, Figure, Tables.
Class Table Content element representing a data table.
Static Method image_to_bytes Create a bytes object from an image file or a plotted figure.
Method __getitem__ Use the report with a [] operator like a list.
Method __init__ Initiate a report instance.
Method __len__ No summary
Method auto_tags Use temporary default tags for new elements.
Method get_filtered_elements Generator returning only that elements fitting the tag rules.
Method heading A heading element.
Method heading_level Modify the current heading level.
Method heading_temporary Create headings on a none persistent level.
Method image Image or plotted figure as report element.
Method image_dict Add a bunch of images at once via (nested) dictionary.
Method list_of_figures Add list of figures element.
Method list_of_tables Add list of tables element.
Method page_break Just a page break.
Method page_break_landscape Page break with landscape orientation.
Method page_break_portrait Page break with portrait orientation.
Method paragraph Add a paragraph element.
Method section Open a section and return it as a child report object.
Method subtitle Subtitle for the document.
Method table Table element as pandas.DataFrame.
Method table_dict Add a bunch of tables at once via (nested) dictionary.
Method table_of_contents Generate a table of content element.
Method title Title of the report.
Method toggle_orientation Toggle the current existing page orientation.
Method _add_element Add a report element to the list and taking care of (auto) tags.
Method _page_break_with_orientation Page break including specific page orientation.
Instance Variable _current_auto_tags These tags are added by default to new elements.
Instance Variable _current_heading_level The current activate heading level.
Instance Variable _element_tags Tags for each element in _elements with the same index.
Instance Variable _elements List of all elements of that report.
Instance Variable _heading_level_offset Internally used with child-reports.
Instance Variable _xlsx_writer Undocumented
def image_to_bytes(file_path_or_figure: Union[pathlib.Path, matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes, seaborn.axisgrid._BaseGrid]) -> bytes: (source)

Create a bytes object from an image file or a plotted figure.

def __getitem__(self, idx: int): (source)

Use the report with a [] operator like a list.

def __init__(self, title: str = None, subtitle: str = None, heading_level_offset: int = 0): (source)

Initiate a report instance.

title:strThe title element.
subtitle:strThe subtitle.
def __len__(self): (source)
def auto_tags(self, tags: Union[list, str]) -> Report: (source)

Use temporary default tags for new elements.


import report

r = report.Report()
r.paragraph('Paragraph without a tag')

with r.auto_tags(['short', 'boss']):
    r.paragraph('Paragraph with tags "short" and "boss".')
    r.table(pandas.DataFrame())  # tagged table

r.paragraph('Another paragraph without a tag.')
tags:Union[list, str]One tag or a list of tags.
ReportThe instance itself.
def get_filtered_elements(self, tags_allowed: Iterable[str] = None, tags_excluded: Iterable[str] = None) -> NamedTuple: (source)

Generator returning only that elements fitting the tag rules.

Exclusion tags have higher priority then allowed tags. In practice it means that if an element have tag from tag_allowed and tags_excluded it is excluded from that generator.

tags_allowed:Iterable[str]Allowed tags.
tags_excluded:Iterable[str]Tags to exclude.
Elements that fitting the tag rules.
def heading(self, text: str, level: int = None, up: bool = None, down: bool = None, persistent: bool = True, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

A heading element.

text:strThe heading string.
level:intThe level (starting with 1).
up:boolDecrease current level and use that for this heading.
down:boolIncrease current level and use that for this heading.
persistent:boolStay on the level if True (default).
tags:Union[list, str]One or more tags for that element.
def heading_level(self, up: bool = None, down: bool = None, level: int = None) -> int: (source)

Modify the current heading level.

The arguments are not mutually exclusive.

up:boolOne level up (decrement).
down:boolOne level down (increment).
level:intExplicit value.
intCurrent heading level.
def heading_temporary(self, text: str, level: int = None, up: bool = None, down: bool = None, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Create headings on a none persistent level.

It is a wrapper for heading(). None persistent means that the used level is set back to the previous level before that method was called.

def image(self, file_path_or_figure: Union[pathlib.Path, matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes, seaborn.axisgrid._BaseGrid, bytes], scale_factor: float = None, caption: str = None, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Image or plotted figure as report element.

file_path_or_figure:Union[pathlib.Path, matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes, seaborn.axisgrid._BaseGrid, bytes]File or plot instance.
scale_factor:floatFloat scaling factor from 0.0 to 1.0.
caption:strString used as image caption.
tags:Union[list, str]One or more tags for that element.
def image_dict(self, image_dict: dict, page_break: bool = False, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Add a bunch of images at once via (nested) dictionary.

The keys in that dictionary are used as heading or caption.

image_dict:dict(Nested) dictionary of image like instances.
page_break:boolNew page after each image?
tags:Union[list, str]Tag that element.
def list_of_figures(self, heading_text: str = 'List of Figures', tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Add list of figures element.

def list_of_tables(self, heading_text: str = 'List of Tables', tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Add list of tables element.

def page_break(self, toggle_orientation: bool = False, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Just a page break.

def page_break_landscape(self, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Page break with landscape orientation.

def page_break_portrait(self, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Page break with portrait orientation.

def paragraph(self, text: str = '', style: str = None, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Add a paragraph element.

text:strThe paragraph content.
style:strStyle name (relevant for docx output)
tags:Union[list, str]One or more tags for that element
def section(self, title: str = None, tags: Union[list, str] = None) -> Report: (source)

Open a section and return it as a child report object.

title:strHeading of the section,
tags:Union[list, str]On eor more tags for that section.
ReportA report object as a child of the current report.
def subtitle(self, text: str, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Subtitle for the document.

The subtitle is realized via a paragraph of style _Subtitle_.

text:strThe subtitle string.
tags:Union[list, str]One or more tags for that subtitle element.
def table(self, dataframe: pandas.DataFrame, caption: str = None, note: str = None, autofit: bool = True, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Table element as pandas.DataFrame.

dataframe:pandas.DataFrameThe data object.
caption:strString used as table caption.
note:strString used as (foot)note.
autofit:boolAdjust table width via autofit?
tags:Union[list, str]One or more tag for that element.
def table_dict(self, dataframe_dict: dict, page_break: bool = False, autofit: bool = True, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Add a bunch of tables at once via (nested) dictionary.

The keys in that dictionary are used as heading or caption.

dataframe_dict:dict(Nested) dictionary of pandas.DataFrame's.
page_break:boolNew page after each table?
autofit:boolSet autofit to each the table.
tags:Union[list, str]Tag that element.
def table_of_contents(self, depth: int = 6, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Generate a table of content element.

def title(self, text: str, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Title of the report.

The title is a heading of level 0.

text:strTitle string.
tags:Union[list, str]One or more tags for that title element.
def toggle_orientation(self, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Toggle the current existing page orientation.

This will effect all past elements until the last page break.

def _add_element(self, element: Union[NamedTuple, Report], tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Add a report element to the list and taking care of (auto) tags.

The instance attribute _current_auto_tags is taken into account.

element:Union[NamedTuple, Report]The element.
tags:Union[list, str]One or more tags used for that element.
def _page_break_with_orientation(self, orientation: _ControlType, tags: Union[list, str] = None): (source)

Page break including specific page orientation.

_current_auto_tags = (source)

These tags are added by default to new elements.

_current_heading_level = (source)

The current activate heading level.

_element_tags: list = (source)

Tags for each element in _elements with the same index.

_elements: list = (source)

List of all elements of that report.

_heading_level_offset = (source)

Internally used with child-reports.

_xlsx_writer = (source)
