class documentation

Export a Report as MS Word docx file.

The docx (known as python-docx) package is used for that.

Method __init__ No summary
Method add_paragraph_style Add a user-definied paragraph style to the document.
Method available_styles Return a dict of available styles.
Method control_to Convert _ControlType elements into their MS Word document corresponding components.
Method dataframe_to_table Convert a pandas.DataFrame in a MS Word table.
Method image Embed an image into the document.
Method page_numbering Set the page numbering behavior.
Method save Start the export of each element into the docx file.
Method set_page_orientation_landscape Current page/section in landscape orientation.
Method set_page_orientation_portrait Current page/section in portrait orientation.
Method string_to_heading Add heading.
Method string_to_paragraph Add paragraph.
Method toggle_page_orientation Toggle the current page/section's orientation.
Static Method _add_column_labels_one_level Used by _add_row_and_column_labels().
Static Method _add_column_labels_two_levels Used by _add_row_and_column_labels().
Static Method _add_field Helper adding a _field_ to an existing _run_.
Static Method _add_page_number Add a page number field to an existing paragraph.
Static Method _add_row_and_column_labels Format the labels of rows and columns.
Static Method _add_row_labels_one_level Used by _add_row_and_column_labels().
Static Method _add_row_labels_two_levels Used by _add_row_and_column_labels().
Static Method _cell_value_to_formated_string Helper for converting pandas.DataFrame cell values to a MS Word table.
Static Method _color_to_rgbcolor Convert a "color" value into format usable by docx (aka python-docx).
Static Method _element_with_attribute Helper to create an XML element with an attribute and its value.
Static Method _multiindex_to_dict Convert a MultiIndex to dictionary.
Static Method _table_autofit Helper to autofit table objects.
Method _activate_auto_update_fields All fields will semi-automatic updated.
Method _caption Add caption paragraph including name and numbering.
Method _init_docx_document_instance Initiate and setup the document instance self._doc.
Method _init_header_and_footer Setup header and footer elements of the document.
Method _init_styles Create some additional styles.
Method _set_page_orientation Set page orientation if different.
Method _setup_language Documents language.
Method _setup_spell_and_grammar_checking Undocumented
Method _table_of_something Generic method to create a reference list (e.g. TOC).
Instance Variable _additional_styles List of user defined styles add via add_paragraph_style().
Instance Variable _autoupdate_fields Activate the auto update field feature.
Instance Variable _captions_position_figure Position of figure captions on top (0) or bottom of a figure. Bottom is default.
Instance Variable _captions_position_table Position of table captions on top (0) or bottom of a table. Bottom is default.
Instance Variable _doc Instance of docx.document.Document.
Instance Variable _footer_text String for the document footer.
Instance Variable _header_text String for the document header.
Instance Variable _language The language relevant for spell checking.
Instance Variable _margins A string indicate the type of margins (narrow, moderate).
Instance Variable _page_numbering A dict with settings about page numbering.
Instance Variable _spell_and_grammar_checking Document global checking of spelling and grammar.

Inherited from _GenericDocumentOutput:

Method show Open the generated document with the file type associated application.
Instance Variable file_path Path to the file.
Instance Variable tags_allowed List of tags for elements that are allowed.
Instance Variable tags_excluded List of tags for elements that are excluded.
Method _not_implemented Handler for not implemented elements.
def __init__(self, file_path: pathlib.Path, margins: str = 'narrow', autoupdate_fields: bool = True, tags_allowed: Union[List[str], str] = None, tags_excluded: Union[List[str], str] = None, text_header: str = None, text_footer: str = None, spell_and_grammar_checking: bool = False, language: str = None, captions_position_table: int = 1, captions_position_figure: int = 1): (source)
file_path:pathlib.PathPath to the docx file to generate.
margins:strPossible values are narrow or moderate.
autoupdate_fields:boolActivate auto-updated all fields in the docx.
tags_allowed:Union[List[str], str]See _GenericDocumentOutput.
tags_excluded:Union[List[str], str]See _GenericDocumentOutput.
text_header:strText to put in document header.
text_footer:strText to put in document footer.
captions_position_table:intCaptions before (0) or after (1, default) a table.
captions_position_figure:intCaptions before (0) or after (1, default) a figure.
def add_paragraph_style(self, name: str, based_on: str = None, font_name: str = None, font_pt: int = None, font_color: Union[tuple[int, int, int], str] = None, font_bgcolor: Union[tuple[int, int, int], str] = None): (source)

Add a user-definied paragraph style to the document.

A style can then be used via its name when adding new paragraphs:

doc = DocxDocument(fp)
report = Report()

# Create the style
doc.add_paragraph_style(name='MyStyle', font_name='Fira Code')

# Use the style
report.paragraph('lore ipsum', style='MyStlye')
name:strName of the new style.
based_on:strParent style that style should inherit from.
font_name:strFont name.
font_pt:intFont size in points.
font_color:Union[tuple[int, int, int], str]Foreground color as name, Hex-value or RGB value tuple.
font_bgcolor:Union[tuple[int, int, int], str]Background color of the font.
def available_styles(self) -> Dict[Hashable, list]: (source)

Return a dict of available styles.

The dict keys are the categories of styles. The values are the style names as list.


Seems to be unused. Also makes not much sense because _doc is None except while calling save().

def control_to(self, control_type: _ControlType): (source)

Convert _ControlType elements into their MS Word document corresponding components.

Such components are page breaks, page orientation, reference lists for headings, figures and tables.

def dataframe_to_table(self, df: pandas.DataFrame, caption: str, note: str, autofit: bool, decimal_places: int = 2): (source)

Convert a pandas.DataFrame in a MS Word table.

df:pandas.DataFrameThe data frame.
caption:strString for the table caption.
note:strUsed as (foot)note.
autofit:boolAuto adjust the width of the table to its content.
decimal_places:intRound of float values.
def image(self, image_bytes: bytes, scale_factor: float = None, caption: str = None): (source)

Embed an image into the document.

The original picture source is not scaled, resized or converted. Scaling is done "dynamic" via MS Word specifying the view-size in Millimeters. That value is calculated based on original pixel size, the DPI and the scaling factor scale_factor.

Plots and figures from matplotlib or derivates are saved in PNG format with DEFAULT_DPI dpi.

image_bytes:bytesThe image as bytes.
scale_factor:floatFactor to scale.
caption:strImage caption string.
def page_numbering(self, pos: Union[int, str], prefix: str = '\tPage ', with_pagenum: bool = True, infix: str = ' of ', suffix: str = None): (source)

Set the page numbering behavior.

pos:Union[int, str]Indicates header (0/header) or footer (1/footer).
prefix:strString in front of the page number.
with_pagenum:boolAdd count of all pages.
infix:strString between current page number and all pages count.
suffix:strString at the end.
def save(self, report: Report) -> _GenericDocumentOutput: (source)

Start the export of each element into the docx file.

report:ReportThe report instance with all elements.
def set_page_orientation_landscape(self): (source)

Current page/section in landscape orientation.

def set_page_orientation_portrait(self): (source)

Current page/section in portrait orientation.

def string_to_heading(self, text: str, level: int): (source)

Add heading.

def string_to_paragraph(self, text: str, style: str): (source)

Add paragraph.

def toggle_page_orientation(self, section: docx.section.Section = None): (source)

Toggle the current page/section's orientation.

def _add_column_labels_one_level(df, tab): (source)
def _add_column_labels_two_levels(df, tab): (source)
def _add_field(run, field): (source)

Helper adding a _field_ to an existing _run_.

A _run_ is a part of a paragraph. Fields are visible in MS Word as elements with gray background (e.g. for page numbers or citation references).

Credits: /issues/498#issuecomment-394143566

def _add_page_number(paragraph: docx.text.paragraph.Paragraph, with_pagenum: bool, prefix: str, infix: str, suffix: str): (source)

Add a page number field to an existing paragraph.


def _add_row_and_column_labels(df, tab): (source)

Format the labels of rows and columns.

def _add_row_labels_one_level(df, tab): (source)
def _add_row_labels_two_levels(df, tab): (source)
def _cell_value_to_formated_string(cell_value, decimal_places) -> str: (source)

Helper for converting pandas.DataFrame cell values to a MS Word table.

The original cell_value is converted into a string. Decimal point and Thousand delimiter used based on the current locale.LC_NUMERIC. A float is rounded based on decimal_places using round().

def _color_to_rgbcolor(color: Union[str, tuple[int, int, int]]) -> docx.shared.RGBColor: (source)

Convert a "color" value into format usable by docx (aka python-docx).

The package webcolors is used to do the conversion.

color:Union[str, tuple[int, int, int]]Name of a color, Hex Color code as string or an integer tuple with RGB values for red, green and blue.
def _element_with_attribute(element_name: str, attribute_name: str, attribute_value: str) -> docx.oxml.OxmlElement: (source)

Helper to create an XML element with an attribute and its value.

def _multiindex_to_dict(idx: pandas.MultiIndex) -> dict: (source)

Convert a MultiIndex to dictionary.

Helper function used by _add_row_labels_two_levels() and _add_column_labels_two_levels().

idx:pandas.MultiIndexIndex object (columns or rows of a pandas dataframe)
dictThe dictionary indexed by the first level of the multi index.
def _table_autofit(tab: docx.table.Table): (source)

Helper to autofit table objects.

Credits: /issues/209#issuecomment-566128709

def _activate_auto_update_fields(self): (source)

All fields will semi-automatic updated.

This includes table of content and numbering in table and figure captions. In practice when opening such a docx file MS Word will ask if all fields should be updated.


def _caption(self, caption: str, target: str): (source)

Add caption paragraph including name and numbering.

Based on:

caption:strThe content of the caption.
target:strThe prefix name (e.g. _Table_ or _Figure_)
def _init_docx_document_instance(self): (source)

Initiate and setup the document instance self._doc.

The method is not called by __init__() but save().

def _init_header_and_footer(self): (source)

Setup header and footer elements of the document.

The behavior is based on the instance attributes _page_numbering, _header_text and _footer_text.

def _init_styles(self): (source)

Create some additional styles.

def _set_page_orientation(self, orientation): (source)

Set page orientation if different.

def _setup_language(self): (source)

Documents language.

The language is set based on _language for all existing styles.

def _setup_spell_and_grammar_checking(self): (source)


def _table_of_something(self, kind: _ReferenceKind, depth: int): (source)

Generic method to create a reference list (e.g. TOC).

It is used for table_of_contents().


The code is based on the following sources

- ttps://
_additional_styles: list = (source)

List of user defined styles add via add_paragraph_style().

_autoupdate_fields = (source)

Activate the auto update field feature.

_captions_position_figure = (source)

Position of figure captions on top (0) or bottom of a figure. Bottom is default.

_captions_position_table = (source)

Position of table captions on top (0) or bottom of a table. Bottom is default.

Instance of docx.document.Document.

_footer_text = (source)

String for the document footer.

_header_text = (source)

String for the document header.

_language = (source)

The language relevant for spell checking.

_margins = (source)

A string indicate the type of margins (narrow, moderate).

_page_numbering = (source)

A dict with settings about page numbering.

_spell_and_grammar_checking = (source)

Document global checking of spelling and grammar.